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2012年05月19日   来源:中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会  


Panasonic (松下集团)是全球电子产品综合制造商,产品覆盖消费电子、元器件、系统解决方案、车载和住宅等领域。Panasonic(松下集团)创业于1918年,总部位于日本大阪,从业人员约29万人(合并报表统计)。2014年度(2014年4月1日至2015年3月31日),公司净销售额为7.7万亿日元(约4,500亿元)。公司股票在东京、大阪、名古屋证券交易所上市。

Panasonic(松下集团)面向2018年创业100周年,提出了“A Better Life A Better World”的品牌口号,不仅提供硬件单品,更提供包括软件、服务在内的系统解决方案,努力为个人,家庭,企业,政府等创造全新的价值。


About Panasonic

Panasonic Corporation is a worldwide total manufacture of electronic products, and main business fields are consumer electrics, housing, automotive, B2B solutions, devices.

Panasonic was founded in 1918, based in Osaka, Japan, holding 29,000 employees. The company recorded consolidated net sales of 7.7 trillion Japanese yen(about 450 billion RMB) for the year ended March 31, 2015. Panasonic’s stock is listed on the Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya Stock Exchanges.

Panasonic, for the 100 year anniversary of entrepreneurship in 2018, proposed a brand slogan of "A Better Life A Better World". We make single products, devices and system solution which includes software and service for new values to individuals, families, enterprises and governments customers.